As our Risk-Managed Portfolios are Open Ended Investment Companies (OEICs), you can use them for pension, ISA, and GIA clients. 

They use mainly passive components to create value-focused, risk-targeted portfolios that are closely aligned to client needs. They provide access to expert asset allocation, risk-management and robust governance, and have the freedom to draw on expertise from across the industry. They're available to Aegon Retirement Choices, One Retirement, and Aegon Platform investors.

Key features

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Client aligned

There are six Risk-Managed Portfolios designed to grow long-term savings while keeping risk within a defined range. The broad range of risk options helps you closely align portfolios to individuals’ needs – allowing you to move to lower-risk portfolios as clients move from accumulation into retirement. And to help further, the fund range is mapped to risk ratings from Defaqto, Dynamic Planner, EValue, FinaMetrica and Synaptic.

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Cost effective

We keep costs at a competitive 0.25% ongoing charges figure (OCF) by using passive components and choosing not to invest in more expensive alternative investments. Eliminating unnecessary transaction charges also helps reduce costs. 

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Optimal asset allocation

Our Portfolio Management team works closely with Aon, investment specialists with extensive research capabilities, to create the optimal strategic asset mix for each fund in the range. Our long-term convictions mean changes are typically only made when there are fundamental shifts in the markets, or when rebalancing is required. The aim is to take advantage of market gains while keeping costs low. 

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Independent input and choice

The Risk-Managed Portfolios have a great deal of flexibility built into their mandate. This means we’re not tied to any one asset allocation expert or fund manager. We have the freedom to use any funds and advisers that we feel will help fulfil the fund objectives. 

The portfolios also benefit from our fund governance process, which is independent of our fund management function.

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Robust risk management

Our focus is on client outcomes, so risk management is embedded at every stage of the process. This means the Portfolio Management team, working with Aon, assesses how market factors might impact the portfolios' behaviour. And where necessary, the asset mix will be adjusted to ensure the funds remain aligned to risk profiles and can meet their objectives. 

There's no guarantee that the funds will meet their objectives. The value of investments may go down as well as up and investors may get back less than they invest.

There’s no guarantee the funds will meet their objectives. The value of investments can fall as well as rise and isn’t guaranteed. Clients may get back less than they invest.

Waystone Management (UK) Limited (WS) is the authorised corporate director of the WS Aegon Risk-Managed Funds. This means they're responsible for the operation of the funds in accordance with the regulations.